
Healing hands

A manual method for maintaining health and treating locomotion disorders, chiropractic complements allopathic medicine. 

Movement is life 

The spinal column houses an important part of the central nervous system. All the body's coordination and communication pass through the nervous system, using the entry and exit points distributed along the spinal column. So the integrity of our spine is necessary for bodily balance. The aim of chiropractic is to restore the spinal column, and all the joints in the body, to their innate freedom of movement so that the unlimited exchange of information between the brain and all the organs can continue.

The chiropractor examines the individual mobility of each joint. Each functional disorder is then corrected. Chiropractic does not replace traditional veterinary medicine. It broadens the range of treatment options for functional disorders of the spinal column and internal organs, as well as for disorders of biomechanical origin.

How does chiropractic work?

Subluxation :

In the case of chiropractic subluxation of an intervertebral joint, its mobility is reduced. This loss of mobility also affects the nervous system, as the spinal nerves, which originate in the spinal cord, pass between two vertebrae. These nerves ensure the flow of information between the brain, the musculature, the skin and all the organs.

Subluxation therefore leads to:

  • a functional locomotor deficit causing stiffness, muscle spasms, pain, loss of performance, etc…
  • a deficit in the internal organs (digestive, urinary, immune, etc.),
  • compensatory reactions in other joints, causing secondary blockages and further deterioration in the animal's condition.


Using a rapid and very precise impulse, the chiropractor restores the natural mobility of the joint, this correction is called an adjustment. The anatomical barriers of the joints are never exceeded during a chiropractic adjustment.

When should chiropractic treatment be used?

In small animals, symptoms of blockage manifest as pain, problems with movement or position, and functional and sensory deficits. Here are a few examples:  

  • Pain to the touch (neck or back pain, etc.)
  • Non-specific lameness, abnormal gait
  • Difficulty moving (stairs, jumping)
  • Reduced performance
  • Altered position (puppy-sitting, always lying on the same side, etc.)
  • Irreversible pathologies (dysplasia, arthrosis, etc.) with compensations in the spine
  • Disc disease (after radiological examination)
  • Licking dermatitis
  • Recurrent digestive problems
  • Functional problems with micturition and defecation
  • Recurrent inflammation of the anal glands
  • Geriatrics

Results of chiropractic treatment

Chiropractic treatment corrects osteoarticular dysfunctions and restores joint mobility through precise adjustments. The correction is made by the practitioner's hands using a rapid, low-amplitude impulse on the joint concerned.

Visible improvement is seen in most animals after 1 to 3 sessions. Patients with blockages caused by chronic diseases (spondylosis, osteoarthritis, hip dysplasia, etc.) take longer to respond. They often respond very well to treatments followed at regular intervals every 2 to 6 months.

The chiropractor

Florence Künzle, a veterinary surgeon specialising in chiropractic, will be delighted to advise you and welcome you to our practice.

A lifelong animal lover who graduated from the University of Bern in 1997, Dr Künzle specialised in chiropractic in 2011 in order to help your cats, dogs and horses as effectively as possible. She has passed the exams of the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic (IAVC) in Germany and the International Association of Veterinary Chiropractors (IVCA). You can reach her directly on 079 2 838 834 (for chiropractic only).

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